Last night I just sorta opened my Bible and there it was. John 21 15-25. This really hit home. Jesus ask Peter 3 times "do you love me". Each time asking with a little more intensity. Each time Peter says he does and even becomes a little flustered. Jesus then tells him that if he really loves him to feed his sheep.Jesus goes on to tell him that when he was young he Peter did what Peter wanted to do but now that he is older those days are behind him. It may not be what Peter wants to do but Gods will. Jesus told Peter to follow him. At that point Peter started looking at the others. What about so and so or him or her. Jesus said that it wasnt about those at that very moment it was about Peter. It didnt matter about the others it was about Peter and his willingness.
This was really personal. I feel a lot of times Jesus is asking me do I love him. Of course its easy to blurt out yes. I mean come on thats the religious thing to say. I mean as a child we are taught the song Jesus love me. If Jesus loves me why wouldnt I love him. I think its then that Jesus continues to ask. Jesus wants to see that I really do. That I love him enough to feed his sheep. Do I love him enough to accept that my will is in the past and now its about what God wants. That as I grow its more about what HE wants from me and HE wants to do through me rather than my own personal routes and goals.
I think the second part to this is that a lot of times I look at others and may compare where I am in my walk with others. I think a lot of times I think well I wish so and so would do this or that. I see where so and so is really strong and almost wish I were there. I am then reminded its about me and my walk. I have to put forth the effort to improve my personal walk. While I can share and while I can offer help I have to focus on my relationship and I have to do what God wants of me. Its not about the others its about me.
I think its sorta neat to read over that passage and remove Peters name and put mine. It really hits home. I even found myself typing this as though to a crowd or as part of a crowd. I had to erase the we, us, and ours and put I, me and mines. I have to focus on my walk with God. I will not stand before him and be held accountable for the actions of others. I will never be effective helping others untill my relationship is so strong and so true that it overflows into the life of others.
I am thankful that God reminds me as I look at others. Its not about them Peter its about you.
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