Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stolen Mayberry

Today I realize that with the recent crime in our town that I have lost more than I realized. From 1994-1997 I lived in an apartment two blocks from our current home. During that time I never locked my apartment, slept with the windows up and left the keys in my truck. Lastnight double checked that there was nothing that could be stolen from my jeep and that De had locked her truck. I then armed our new security system and went to bed. Stop signs on Lee st which were once a place to stop and greet someone you know is now a hot spot for robbery. While you once looked for someone to wave to we now look for a predator in the shadows. Countless conversations of folks who have never considered a firearms to protect themselves are now wanting opinions, folks who once walked with ipods now walk with mace or dont walk at all. It sad to say these criminals have just robbed three or four they have robbed my community and small town of its security and peace.

Post election pledge

I can not speak for America. I can say that in four years I am determined to be better off. I will not let politics control this. I will better off physically, spiritually, mentally, financially. I will have stronger relationships. I will focus more on being intentional in everything that I do. I hope to make enemies. A man with no enemies rarely stands for anything. I will focus less on the things that are out of my control. Today I will begin my journey to work harder in everything I do. God guide my steps

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Seasons or seasoning

Sitting here thinking about seasons  Maybe its the fact that Spring has changed into Summer but really its deeper than that. I was sitting in church on Memorial Day weekend and thought of how slim the crowd was. I know that some folks are traveling and some are out of town and others just found things they felt were more important. I realize that Sunday mornings are not about fun or preferences but about worship. I then remember when there was nothing I wanted more than to be in Gods house on Sunday. I would leave at noon on Sunday and honestly was excited about coming back next week. I remember feeling fueled and refreshed and excited. Man the feeling I had I couldnt imagine wanting to be anywhere else and thought wow if everyone felt this way how could they want to be anywhere else either . Songs that gave chills of excitement and lessons and sermons that marinated through out and prepared me for the week. I sit here currently on a Saturday afternoon wondering what has changed? Maybe its more about seasoning that season. Maybe its just a season on my journey. Maybe I need spice for revival. Pondering

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Friday God doesnt need me

Its Good Friday. The only positive religious comment I can muster in my current lukewarm state is. I am thankful that my salvation and my God is not dependent on me or anything I can do but on what He has done. Gods grace is sufficient even when I just aint feeling it. As a Christian this is a very reverent time of year and Im in just not where I need to be. Not really sure at this point. Im trying to figure out what Im holding back and whats standing in the way

Christianity as a hobby

If it were not for an empty grave Christianity would be nothing more than a very time consuming hobby. I dont have time for hobbies.

Fear of failure

Growing up my dad always told me " a man that doesnt make mistakes isnt doing anything". I always laughed and said I must stay pretty busy. I think I have allowed the fear of failure to replace my will to try succeed. I will never reach my full potential at anything untill I realize that failure can be overcome. I dont remember the last time I truly failed. This tells me I am not pushing myself hard enough.

Im a rich man

at a visitation for the sweet sweet grandmother of some friends of ours I had a man make a comment I hope to never forget. Going through the line speaking to family Carter had grown distracted. Cambelle and Carter were being brother and sister and he was climbing on me and she was taking his dog and other general aggravation. On our way out I politely nodded to an elderly fella and asked how he was. At that point he looked at me and said "Im ok and you are a very rich man". I realized that man saw more of me in those few moments than many will ever take the time to realize. While holding one child by the ankle reaching for his toy and another within inches and my wife just ahead he was right. Of course at his age (late 80's early 90's) he could have could not have cared less about my house, my job, my vehicles, vacation homes. Nope the man saw what really matters to me and realizes that all those other things dont matter in the grand scheme of things. I dont know his name but the old man was right and for the reminder I am thankful.


If I hungered for Christ like I hunger for lunch I would be a totally different and more effective person. I mean this hunger is real, its gonna influence every decision between now and lunch and while I had something to eat for breakfast I know long for more. Oh yeah and if I only ate on Sunday mornings I would die but you can bet I would never miss a Sunday.
Tonight I am thankful for the reminder that as a Christian I am not called to try to be more like fellow believers. I am called to try to more like Christ. When we use other men as a reference point we will always be disappointed because they are human and they too fail. When we use Jesus as a reference point we will always have a goal and hope because he is more than human and will never fail.
Goal= To not just live but to live with intention. I want to be more intentional in everything I do. I want to be a more intentional husband, father, Christian, employee, friend, neighbor etc. With everything I do I want to do with focus and intention

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Excited about the future.

Im excited about the future. I dont know the answer to crime statistics, poverty, the president, job recovery, the economy, healthcare, taxes etc.I cant put my hope in those things therefore I cant put my focus on those things. I dont even know the answer for whats for supper. I know Im gonna look around and see how awesome things around me really are. I cant wait until things get better to live life we are not promised tomorrow. John 10:10 says I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Our lives could change at any moment and the piddly junk we are currently focused on could change forever. Time to focus on the unchanging and the things that matter most.

God is GOD!

Either God is God the creator of the universe, maker of man, who sent his son to die on the cross to be risen from the grave to save us from our sin and eternal damnation or the Bible is the greatest story of fiction to ever be written. Either God is 100% God or 100% a figment of imagination a character in the longest running practical joke of all times. Either God is in control and deserves our worship or he cant handle it and therefore we should keep on being self reliant. Either God is God and we have hope in eternity or its all a cruel joke meant to give false hope to the hopeless. God is God or a crutch for the weak a since of false hope a myth.
I mean of course we believe in God. Thats easy I mean we have lots of holidays every year where the focus has been turned to a character we have never seen. Its easy to say I believe in God. I think where the challange comes is living as though we do. I mean if God is God then he is not a hobby, a club, a facebook status he should be our focus in every aspect. I mean if he is God everything we do should be done as though he is God. A focus of our joy, our hope, our focus, our worship.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

If only I could see as well as the blind man.

A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight

35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”
38 He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

39 Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

40 Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, 41 “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord, I want to see,” he replied.

42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” 43 Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.

This morning we were in Luke. I decided to read a little before the text to see what led us to where we were. Well this passage hit me like a bolt of lighting and I thought I would share.

I think a lot of times we pre qualify those we share with or those who God wants us to share with. I also think we pre qualify those God chooses to use and sometimes think it wont be us because of our flaws. I also think sometimes we just need to slow down and see what and who God is trying to show us rather than being so task oriented.
The blind guy is a beggar who depends 100% on society to provide for him and meet his needs. The man is not proud and is completely dependent. From the outside looking in he doesnt have much to offer and is physically flawed by the worlds standards. Yet he cried out to Jesus knowing without a doubt Jesus could help him. The man didnt wait until he could see to ask for help. The man didnt wait until he got his mess together or was wearing the right outfit. All he did was cry out.
Those who led the way I think represent church people. See they were so busy leading the way that they forgot why or who they were suppose to be leading the way for. They were so task oriented they forgot that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. That Jesus doesnt want the blind and lost to just be passed by in our day to day routine so that we can hurry to our nice building we call church and then decide we want to see Jesus. I think a lot of times we get so busy living that even while meaning well we pass opportunities that God has given us to share. I wonder how many times we walk past the blind beggar thinking man I sure wish God would give me a chance to share.
Jesus healed him not because of what he had done, or could do Jesus healed him because he had faith. Not faith + XYZ but faith. What those leading the way didnt realize is obviously someone had planted the seed. The blind man knew who Jesus was. The seed had been watered and just because the man looked like briars and thorns the harvest was almost bypassed.
This also shows me God doesnt just use the pretty or the perfect or the bold or the wise. God uses those who submit. When the man was healed he was on fire. For so long he had walked in the dark yet now he could see. This man wanted everyone to know the source of his joy and healing. I wonder how often we search and wander in the dark when Jesus the light of the world wants to give us sight and vision. Also how often after we see the light does our fire begin to dwindle. There was no doubt a change in this man and others wanted to know about the change and he wanted to share. Are we changed? Does the world see a change? Ok maybe more later had to clear this off my heart so I could rest.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Live life

Over the past few days and weeks our community has lost a lot of great men of whom I respect. While I dont put myself on their level it really has caused me to stop and think. How quickly our lives can change. How quickly things can go from smooth sailing to uncharted waters choppy water.I think its caused me to reflect less on how I will or could die and the after effects and more on how I want to live. Less on my relationships in death and and more on my relationships in life. I am confident in my salvation. I want to take better care of myself. I want to eat better. I want to learn to slow down and relax more. I want to smile and laugh and be more carefree. I want to care less about the things that dont matter and more on the things that do. Less about the actions of those that arent important and more on the actions toward those those that do. I want to focus less on the things I have no control of and more on the things I can. I want to read the lecture be reminded thats 98% of the piddly things I worry about arent important at all. I dont know just a lot on my mind this morning. Just because you are breathing doesnt mean you are living.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Stopping smoking, depression, prayer and grace

Original FB post 08/11/2009 a lil update. Many of you know and have followed my quest to stop smoking (De quit as well). I can say that its has been over two months and getting easier. I know that some of you have followed the process. This process included a strange time for me that I chose not to hide. I had a hard time adjusting to not being on Chantix (meds used to stop smoking) during my withdrawels I battled a wide range of emotions one of the hardest to battle was depression. I allowed it to jump on me and I didnt realize it. I had become seriously down and irratable. I have an awesome life and the chemical imbalance tried to convince me otherwise. For a time it was succesful. I know that through the power of prayer and support I know feel as if I am stabalizing. I thank you all for your kind words, suggestions, concerns and prayers. I have learned that depression sucks. If you try to battle it alone it can and will whoop you. I only hope others who face it have someone who cares enough to point it out to you. I am grateful for De and Cambelle I havent been much fun but they have stood strong. I honestly think this has been a learning process for me. I think there were somethings that I was trying to hold on to. I think there were something I had control over and I could handle. I have been reminded the old adage let go let God. That phrase hasnt survived the years by accident. I promise. Thank you all for taking the journey as well. I leave with never be to stupid or proud to ask for help sometimes you have to hit your knees in submission before you are ready to get up.. Its a journey live it.
Standing at a crossroad. I have got to decide which fathers aproval I desire the most. I have one who I will never please nor satisfy their wants nor do enough for them. I have another who loves me unconditional not because of anything I've done nor anything I can do. One whom the more I do for the more he wants the other the more I do the more I receive and the more I want to do. I must choose who I will serve. I can't serve two masters it doesn't work
Trying to figure out. Do I want people to change because its good for them or because its good for me? Do I want people to be who they can be or who I think they should be? Do I pray for God will in my life and the life of others do I honestly want his will or my agenda.
Love my neighbor doesn't say just love the loveable or just those that look, act, or think or even believe like me. While I don't think loving your neighbor means to necessarily give them everthing they want. Somtimes loving your neighbor means saying no and allowing them to do for themselves. Neighbor can be substituded for friend, parent, child or even neighbor
. Whats on my mind this morning. For some reason prayer in school crossed my mind this morning. I was suddenly convicted and thought I would share what came to my heart and mind. I think its easy to complain about prayer being taken out of schools. I dont really think its the schools place there is no argument the world has gone downhill since it was removed but is that the problem? What struck me is really is it the schools place to instill prayer? I mean really any more than it is to enforce fashion. I really think where "I" (personal responsibility) fail is in the home. I should be worried far more that prayer isnt as prevelant in my home. I regret to say that I dont pray with my family daily. I dont pray with my kids nor my wife nearly as often as I should. Phil 4:6 I think I should be more worried about prayer in my heart and my home then I can attack the world. Its my job as a parent and a husband to lead my home. If I truly believe Joshua 24:15 I need to live it. I remember growing up my mom had a little plaque that said "The family that prays together stays together". The only person I am pointing fingers at is the man in the mirror.
I think for a long time I ran from God because all of the Christians I saw were "perfect". I knew that I could never measure up. Then I found out we are all sinners and all fall short. Jesus didnt say fix yourself become who I want you to be do all the right things and say all the right things then come to me. Nope he told me to come to him as a child comes to the father. I think I need to be reminded of my imperfections and reminded how short of the goal I come. Its then I remember its not what I have done or not done but by his saving grace alone. I think one of the reasons I try to be transparent and share is I dont want anyone to think Ive got it all figured out. I dont want anyone to think Ive got my stuff together and live the perfect life. Christians arent just the folks you see on Sunday mornings. Hopefully they are folks that have admitted they cant walk through this world alone and that there is no way to find joy or salvation but through him. I will never forget the day I got tired of going it alone though surrouned by many. AT that point all 400+ surrounding me didnt matter it was between me a God. I remember looking at Stump and say "Ive tried it my way I give up". I was tired of running, tired of searching and coming up empty. Man Im glad I did
Who you are Monday thru Saturday is a better reflection of who you are than where you are on Sunday mornings.

Dont want to go to church

Driving home from Albany I began to think about just not going to church in the morning. I realize for some that not that big of a deal. I once only needed 1/2 an excuse. I had more I dont feel goods (yet I never miss work sick) and Ill just catch it on TV Sundays than I care to admit. Tonight I just wasnt feeling it. In those times Satan will jump on that throw fuel on the fire. What I like what ...I dont like etc. I think how easy it would be to just have a lazy pajama day of sleeping late and cooking and napping. I then realize that its the days I feel the least like going. Its the days that I honestly dont care if I go or not that I need to be there the most. I need to realize its not about my preferences or my anything. The only reason I need to be there is He is GOD and worthy of worship! I need to go to the well. Transparency
Its easy to be a Christian in church on Sunday mornings. Its outside the walls where the challange begins.

Failure of man

This morning I am thankful for those men of Christ who have failed/dissapointed me.
I was thinking this morning of failing others in their time of need and I guess it led me to think on those who have failed me. Could be something as simple as a time when I was looking for encouragement. Maybe someone who hasnt been there for me in my time of need even during a time I was crying help for help. Could move on to guys Ive worked with who were deacons and Gideons leaders of their church yet were constantly degrading others, telling off color jokes and always making lustful comments. The men who have coward down and not done the right thing. Maybe its the local business man who while I see then walk up right there is a rumor of unfair business practices. Maybe its the husband who while on the outside all is well is running around. I am thankful for each of these people in my life. If these people had not failed me I could easily place my faith in them. While its important to have mentors and its important to look up to fellow Christians we must be careful to not shift our focus from God to man. I am thankful for each man who has failed me in life I am even more grateful for a God who never has.

spiritual distraction

This morning on the way to my truck I realized that I have been distracted spiritually this week more so than usual. I began as "God this is me I know I havent been around". At that point it hit me God pretty much smacked me in the back of the head. That moment I realized God had not gone anywhere. God had not wandered. God had not been distracted/ God didnt need a reminder of who I am. I needed a reminder of who God is.