Wednesday, May 29, 2013


In deep pain, people don't need logic, advice, encouragement, or even Scripture. They just need you to show up and shut up.- Rick Warren

I know when my Pappy passed I know that folks praying for us helped get us through. I know the countless text and messages helped through out. On the other hand I know the few people who were there physically though they may not have said a world brought great comfort. I know often times I say "I don't know what to say" well I know that nothing I can say will make it better. I also know im guilty of saying ill pray for you and go about my day. Inside feeling as if I've done my duty. Simply saying if you need anything and then hoping no one ask. In a time of loss there is need. Sometimes that need is just looking over and seeing a face who is there, sometimes it's a hug, sometimes it's a shoulder sometimes it's just knowing they care enough to come.