Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stolen Mayberry

Today I realize that with the recent crime in our town that I have lost more than I realized. From 1994-1997 I lived in an apartment two blocks from our current home. During that time I never locked my apartment, slept with the windows up and left the keys in my truck. Lastnight double checked that there was nothing that could be stolen from my jeep and that De had locked her truck. I then armed our new security system and went to bed. Stop signs on Lee st which were once a place to stop and greet someone you know is now a hot spot for robbery. While you once looked for someone to wave to we now look for a predator in the shadows. Countless conversations of folks who have never considered a firearms to protect themselves are now wanting opinions, folks who once walked with ipods now walk with mace or dont walk at all. It sad to say these criminals have just robbed three or four they have robbed my community and small town of its security and peace.

Post election pledge

I can not speak for America. I can say that in four years I am determined to be better off. I will not let politics control this. I will better off physically, spiritually, mentally, financially. I will have stronger relationships. I will focus more on being intentional in everything that I do. I hope to make enemies. A man with no enemies rarely stands for anything. I will focus less on the things that are out of my control. Today I will begin my journey to work harder in everything I do. God guide my steps